About the BakeDork!

When I’m not co-hosting on the In The Mouth of Dorkness Podcast or writing about genre films on The After Movie Diner, I’m dorking it up in the kitchen. I love to bake! Cupcakes, cookies, scones, you name it. I’ve been keeping it pretty simple until now, but #GBBO has inspired to stretch my baking horizons beyond the safety of the all-purpose flour sack. I’ve tasked myself with baking my way through the Great British Bake off Technical Challenges, from Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake to dampfnudel, until I have the baking skills of a Star Baker. I’ll either rise like an angel food cake, or crack like a madiera.

BDB Martha Breathe

This blog will be where I post my progress as well as post a few signature bakes of my own. Until there is more up, enjoy this pic of the Fury Road themed cupcakes I made. #whatalovelyday


Follow my bake-nanigans on twitter and instagram @bakedork